DGTelecom was incorporated January 2007 to address TELUS’ requirement for reliable, highly skilled inside build contractors. We offer extensive installation experience in the complete spectrum of network equipment and superstructure deployed by TELUS.
• Doug Gibbs – 37 years with TELUS, BC Tel, CT&S
• Glen Clark – 34 years with TELUS, BC Tel, CT&S
• Doug Gibbs – 37 years with TELUS, BC Tel, CT&S
• Glen Clark – 34 years with TELUS, BC Tel, CT&S
During their service Mr. Gibbs & Clark were crew in-charges with major involvement in digital conversions. This included devising plans and relocating working SxS equipment to create floor space, through, installation of superstructure & digital switches, commissioning and cutovers. They worked closely with Project Managers and other departments to bring numerous conversions to successful completion. In their later years with TELUS they both took on rolls to schedule inside build activities with PMC and various project managers in their respective areas. Outside experience prior to retirement from TELUS includes (during approved leave) Contract Test Engineers to AGCS in Texas, commissioning GTD5 core additions and SVR’s. Upon return were able to jump start B.C. SVR deployment with no ramp up time, and then went on to contract through BC Tel to Northwest Tel for SVR upgrades in Yellow Knife, Inuvik and Fort Nelson.
Throughout their careers Mr Gibbs and Clark have been recognized for meeting and exceeding expectations in performance reviews. They have been recognized though several Accelerator and Turbo Charger Awards including one Pace Setter Award.
DGTelecom has made a significant investment in tools to install network equipment, and will continue to invest as required to provide a complete range of services. We have a commitment to provide high quality, cost effective installations through strong work ethics, productivity and efficiency. Our contract inspections have been 100% compliant with positive comments on quality of workmanship delivered.
Serving Western Canada